
Desk research - tracking industry developments in the global food, drink and retail sector for Fitch Business Monitor International.

Trade interviews - carrying out telephone, email and personal interviews to establish trends in the Belgian and Dutch bottled water markets for a multinational food company.

International research - analysing developments in European airport trends for a Japanese multinational.

Competitive intelligence - producing SWOT analyses on leading global retailers for

Report/editorial publishing - creating management reports based on conference summaries/proceedings for Mr News.

Market intelligence - tracking new product launches in the food sector in the UK and France for a multinational food company.

Web content - B2B news services - setting up and managing daily online news services for MrWeb and Planet Retail.

Editing/proof reading - series of management reports on global private label trends for Canadean.

Editorial content - publishing biannual corporate newsletters for trade development consultancy Landell Mills.